Industrial Development and Expansion
Regional Economic Development Loan Fund
A multimillion-dollar revolving loan program, the REDLF is designed to stimulate investment and job creation in the TVA region. Loans must be co-sponsored by a power distributor, local government, or economic development agency and are made available to new and expanding industrial companies for fixed assets such as buildings, machinery, and equipment.
Special Opportunities Counties Fund
This $15 million revolving loan fund assists Tennessee Valley counties with low per capita incomes. Counties in that category receive financial help for community and economic development programs, with special emphasis on projects aimed at industrial expansion.
Industrial Recruiting Services/TVIDA
The distributors of TVA power participate in the eight Regional Industrial Development Associations (RIDAs), which, together with TVA, constitute the West Tennessee Industrial Association (WTIA). WTIA works with economic development agencies to provide industrial prospects with an integrated package of economic incentives.
Site Selector Information System
This comprehensive electronic system offers detailed maps and information on available buildings and sites, economic development programs, and demographics for every county in the Tennessee Valley. This can be found on the West TN Industrial Association’s website.